Hôtel Le 46: Your perfect choice near La Défense Arena

Ideally located for business or leisure or leisure travel, Hôtel Le 46 combines comfort and accessibility close to the Défense Arena.

Close to the Défense Arena

Hôtel Le 46, a hotel close to the Défense Arena, is the perfect choice for visitors looking for quality accommodation in Paris. Our location in the 17th arrondissement offers easy access to this major business and entertainment center.

Quality accommodation

Our rooms and suites combine modern comfort with Parisian elegance, providing the perfect setting for relaxing after a day at La Défense Arena. As a 3-star hotel in Paris 17, we guarantee a superior stay.

Exceptional services for business travelers

We offer services tailored to the needs of professionals, including free Wi-Fi, in-room workspaces, and a full breakfast to get the day off to a good start.

Discover the neighborhood

Explore the lively 17th arrondissement, with its many restaurants, stores and cultural attractions. Our location is also convenient for access to the Grande Arche de la Défense.

Safety and comfort: Our priority

Our customers' safety and comfort are paramount. We follow strict protocols to ensure a safe and serene stay for all our visitors.

Book your stay at Hôtel Le 46

For a convenient and comfortable stay near La Défense Arena, Hôtel Le 46 is your ideal destination. Visit our website for more information and to book your room.


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